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The 5th Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum 2025
April 28th and 29th, 2025

AI-driven Innovation Models for Media Outlets
The Top Five New Models of Media Outlets Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in 2025

AIJWF Time Remaining

AIJD Diploma Graduates
Journalists and media professionals
International and local speakers
Arab and international media
Arab universities
Panel discussions - Media, AI manufacturers



Dr. Mohamed Abdulzaher

We are experiencing rapid advances in the technologies associated with the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions. There have been a number of fields affected by their impact on the content industry, including: Government, Media, Education, Banking, and other areas that contribute to the global Digital Economy.

Today, as we announce the 4th Edition of the Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF), I remember when we launched the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF), the parent organization and sponsor of the AIJWF at the end of 2018, globally the AI apps number in content creation did not exceed 10,000 apps, and today according to many reports this number has exceeded half a million apps and tools.

The global AI in media & entertainment market size was estimated at USD 14.81 billion in 2022 and reached USD 19.75 billion in 2023, It is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26% from 2023 to 2030. In this context, the important question is how large is the market for these technologies in the Arab region, and by this, I mean the volume of production rather than the volume of consumption.

This led us to discuss both Arabic language and culture in relation to the great technological advances, and whether there is really a big gap in the number of applications that are compatible with Arabic language, and what is the current situation regarding Arab intelligent government and educational services, do they stand on the right side of adapting AI and the advanced technologies?, and how deeply are the Arab youth gaining these skills and using the AI applications, that would open many new doors for them in the future?

We are very keen to highlight the role of Arab artificial intelligence manufacturers, in supporting the Arab AI applications industry, in addition, to promote the use of these apps in a variety of sectors.

AIJWF Main Pillars:


1- Generative AI and Arab Media Content.
2- Web 3: Arab Media Content, and the Challenges of Publishing
3- Arab Media Outlets, and Personalizing Content using AI.
4- The Government Intelligent Service Content, and the Challenges of using AI.
5- Experiences of International “Media and Educational” Institutions in Creating Arabic Content.
6- Arab Universities and theirexperiences in Integrating AI into Educational Curricula.

aijwf 2024

AI Applications Award and Arabic Content (AIAC)


The Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum(AIJWF) announces the first Arab award, which aims to promote the creation of artificial intelligence applications, tools and solutions in the Arabic language, and support their optimal use.

The AIAC award aims to:

1- Supporting both individuals and companies that manufacture artificial intelligence technologies and tools in the Arabic language.
2- Providing distinguished Arab models and talents in creating and managing Arabic content using AI.
3- Integrating artificial intelligence tools and solutions into Arabic content creation in all its forms in universities, governmental and media outlets.
4- Motivating global artificial intelligence manufacturers to promote the Arabic language in all applications and AI tools in a correct and more professional way.


Award categories:

1)Individuals: The award is given to artificial intelligence technologies and tools programmers who have contributed to the creation of any renowned Arab artificial intelligence applications.
2)Companies: The award in this category is given to companies or institutions that manufacture or sponsor artificial intelligence applications in the Arabic language.

aijwf 2025

Terms & Conditions:
1.Candidates should submit a complete file about the AI applications, solutions, or AI tools they own
2.Also provide an introductory video about the app and the number of users to date.
3.A legal statement showing the intellectual ownership and copyrights for the app.
4.Provide a complete profile of the app creator; whether “Individual or organization.”

Please send your application files to the following email:

AIJWF 2024

AIJWFPanel Discussions

Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum(AIJWF)
4th Edition, June 5th and 6th, 2024
Artificial Intelligence Tools and Solutions in Creating Arab Media Content
(Challenges of Arab Media Outlets and Government Entities)

Designing the Future of Media, Touching Human Lives 2050



AIJWF is one of the global initiatives founded and managed by the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF).

Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) is the first global platform, annual event and academic conference that brings together academics, media professionals, AI manufactures, educational institutions, and government entities to conduct research and forecast on the technologies of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions and their impacts on Media and Entertainment.

AIJWF forecasts the future of humans 2050, particularly in light of the technological advances and artificial intelligence technologies in various fields: Media and Entertainment, Information and Communications Technology, Culture, Healthcare, Education, Economic, Sustainable Development Goals, and designing the future of Smart and Sustainable Cities.

AIJWF 1st Edition, 2021:

  • “Designing the Future of Media, Touching Human Lives 2050”, 29th & 30th of March 2021

The first edition of AIJWF was launched on 29th and 30th ofMarch 2021, and it was headedby Professor Farouk El-Baz, theEgyptian American spacescientist and geologist, with theparticipation of more than 50universities, think tanks andmore than 200 researchers andjournalists from 20 countries.

AIJWF 2nd Edition, 2022:

The 2nd edition of AIJWF was launched on 14th and15th of March 2022, at the Higher Colleges of

Technology (HCT), Dubai, chaired by H.E ProfessorAbdullatif Al Shamsi President & CEO of Higher

Colleges of Technology, AIJWF Honorary President,titled: “Media of Metaverse and Covidization of MediaIndustry: How the Pandemic has Changed the Worldof Media and Entertainment Industry”.

The 2nd edition of AIJWF was incooperation with UNESCO and a number ofArab and foreign universities from theUnited States, Britain, Italy, France, India,Australia, UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan,Algeria and Lebanon.

AIJWF 3rd Edition, 2023:

The Third Edition, “Creative Media Industries and the Advanced Technology Era,

Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse”, 9th & 10th of May,2023, in cooperation with the Emirates Journalists Association. Focusedon  the growth of creative industries inMedia and Entertainment in light of the future of advanced technologies.


  • Bolster research and forecasting of substantive features of the era of Artificial
  • Intelligence Journalism, 7G Journalism and Media of Metaverse.
  • Monitor 4IR and 5IR technologies that have a direct impact on Media and Entertainment
  • Consider the best ways to use 4IR and 5IR technologies in mass media and daily life.
  • Receive research and academic reports in both Arabic and English on 4IR, Artificial
  • Intelligence Journalism, 7G Journalism and Media of Metaverse.
  • Train a team of researchers and learners to be experts in Artificial Intelligence
  • Journalism, 7G Journalism and Media of Metaverse.

Assist universities and research institutes in providing rich, dynamic and uniquescientific content about Artificial Intelligence Journalism, 7G Journalism and Media ofMetaverse.


AIJWF is one of the global initiatives founded and managed by the Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF).


Artificial Intelligence Journalism for Research and Forecasting (AIJRF) is the first leading academic and applied institution and think tank in media studies, artificial intelligence and content in general, the Media of the Metaverse, and technologies of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions. It was founded in 2018 in the United Arab Emirates.


AIJRF currently has more than 15 global and regional initiatives in artificial intelligence, media, and university education, and has more than 60 training programs, including “professional diplomas” and specialized programs in using artificial intelligence tools and applications and integrating them into a number of specializations, including: “Education, Media, Intelligent Government Services, Financial Services, Marketing, the Metaverse, Future Cities, Sustainable Development, and creating all forms of content using artificial intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) 5th Edition, April 2025

Artificial Intelligence Journalism World Forum (AIJWF) is the first global platform, annual event and academic conference that brings together academics, media professionals, AI manufacturers, educational institutions, and government entities to conduct research and forecast on the technologies of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions and their impacts on Media and Entertainment.
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